Thursday, March 25, 2010

Video Of The Day

I again do not know what to blog about.
Well, I suppose I could write about my feelings of Christianity and how I am sometimes ashamed to call myself a Christian because of the way other "Christians" act and speak. But I don't feel like doing that type of a blog right now.
So, instead I will post a video.

I am posting this video because apparently Haida has never heard this song.
Which is just wrong!!! haha.

Anywho..... the video:


FansonJoviette said...

LMAO!! I had never heard it either... but I love it!!

SuperFan said...

Geeze, you guys live under a rock!!!! We have the song on a record AND I heard it live when I was about 9. lol.

FansonJoviette said...

That's probably because your mom was a country listener... my parents were ROCK N' ROLL!!! I got into country on my own!

Haida said...

hahaha i wounder what i would be like to be my own gradmother
