Sunday, March 21, 2010

20 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

These are in no particular order, just the order that they entered my cranium:
  1. Visit the Maritime Provinces
  2. Visit Newfoundland
  3. Visit The Yukon
  4. Visit Northwest Territories
  5. Visit Nunavut
  6. Visit the 35 US States I have yet to visit
  7. Visit the village of Horstead in England
  8. Visit Norway
  9. Visit Australia
  10. See Hanson at Cain's in Tulsa
  11. See Bon Jovi in New Jersey
  12. See George Michael in London
  13. Go to Disneyland
  14. Go To Disneyworld
  15. Be a reporter
  16. Meet all the members of Bon Jovi
  17. Meet George Michael
  18. March for Gay rights
  19. Go to a Gay Pride parade
  20. Teach/live in Boca Raton, Florida
I may add to this list later on, but currently these are the things I want to accomplish. My bucket list if you will.


Haida said...

is that you hand

SuperFan said...

No, I got it on google.
