Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Miss My Big Brother!

I just wanted to write this here blog entry to say that I miss my big brother!!!
Johnny is the best big brother I never had and I hate the fact that he lives so gosh darn far away!
I miss sitting on his couch, sipping a glass of VOGA and watching a great movie.
I miss driving with him in his car talking about, well, anything.
I miss rocking out to so much awesome music with him.
How come some of the best people in your life have to live so far away from you?
It's just not fair!!!
I also think the cost of an airline ticket to Florida should be waived if you have family or people like family that live there.
And I have both, so I'm good.
Though I have yet to visit my granny in Palm Harbour...I should probably do that one day. Too bad Boca Raton is so far away from PH...and so much better! hee hee.
Well, I guess that's really all I have to say tonight.
I miss my awesome big bro and am so blessed that he's a part of my life!!!

Friends are the siblings God Never Gave Us

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