Saturday, March 27, 2010

To Get Contacts Or Not To Get Contacts.....

....that is the question.

I have been wearing glasses since the age of 3.
I've grown accustomed to the feeling of the frames on my face, and having to push them up my nose in the heat.

Last night, while out for dinner at friends' of my mom, I was informed that I have "very pretty eyes" and shouldn't hide them behind glasses and that I should try contacts.

Now, I can see their point, however, the idea of sticking my finger into my eye to put a lens on it grosses me the hell out!!! *shivers*

Not to mention the fact that I can't remember what it's like not to wear glasses.

I don't know.
I mean, I'd like to try something new, even just occasionally, but, well, I've kind of formed an attachment to my spectacles.

That reminds me...I need to look into getting new frames/lenses....these glasses suck! haha.

But, do I get contacts with the glasses 0r not?
It's not like I go anywhere where I'd need to look spiffy and glassesless....there's no guys to look hot for around this shithole town anyway! haha.

So, the question remains.....contacts or no contacts?


Haida said...

i like glasses. you can use them as a exprestion of yourself. Besides if a guy can see behind a pair of specks its not worth the time

FansonJoviette said...

I like glasses too... but sometimes I like contacts... you just need to find the right fames for your face... and I agree with Haida... if a guy can't see past your glasses then he's so not worth it!
