Monday, March 29, 2010


And at least 25 tank tops, 11 Hanson shirts, 3 Hanson hoodies, 2 Bon Jovi tees, 5 George Michael tees, a bunch of other graphic tees, a few nice tees, 3 or 4 nice shirts, 4 or 5 long sleeve shirts, a few pairs of jeans, and about 8 shorts/capris.
Not including the 3 skirts and hoodies/sweaters I unloaded into my mom's spare cupboard.
My closet is now clean.
The rest of my room...well, my closet kind of threw up all over it.
I'm currently taking a break from cleaning right now.
I had a headache.
I made myself a milkshake and sat down.
I still have a headache and I kind of think the ice cream had started to turn....


Ricky Martin's gay.
Yeah, not exactly mind blowing, is it?

I swear I had some great blog topics in my mind earlier today.
Unfortunately, they have seemed to escape my brain.
Which sucks 'cause I feel like I am in an unofficial competition with Melissa to see who can write the better blog entry.
I am pretty confident that she is winning.

I found my good Santa hat!
It was buried in my closet.
I've also bagged up a whole bunch of clothes that I'll be giving to the SOS (local thrift store).
I also have discovered that I need more hangers....and a bigger closet.

Is it wrong that as I was hanging stuff in my closet I kept thinking about which clothes I was going to bring to Boca next time?
I also had an urge to pack...even though nothing has been confirmed/planned.
Clearly, I REALLY want to be in Boca right now.

Um...yeah...what else....

Oh mom pre-ordered "Shout It Out" for my b-day tonight!
Well, I typed in the info, but she paid. hee hee.
It's the $25 deluxe edition.
The sensibly priced package.
I just want the music and the DVD.
Well, I WANT the headphones and record player, but I can't afford $800. lol.

Okay, well, that's my blog for tonight.
Hopefully, tomorrow will give way to a more interesting blog. lol.


Haida said...

i know what you mean every time i sit down to write a bolg nothing comes out. witch major sucks cuz i was think od great stuff all day. ut when i get to my lap to i go ........blank

SuperFan said...

Then there's Melissa who can make nothing seem highly entertaining.

FansonJoviette said...

LMAO!!! We're not in competition... lol!!!
But I know what you mean, earlier I had a few things to blog about but now I can only think of one... and I'm not in a blogging mood now :(

FansonJoviette said...

Ahhhh you commented while I was ahahaha!!! My ramblings are only entertaining to you guys I'm sure, but thank you hahaha!!

SuperFan said...

You are a very entertaining person, Melissa.
I am highly jealous of your ability to turn nothing into comedy gold! haha.

FansonJoviette said...

I don't think it would be considered comedy GOLD! maybe bronze... well maybe that's my talent then... although not a good one, it's better to have a meh one than none at all right???
I am highly jealous of your ability to write poetry... I am SOOOOO bad at it hahahaha!!!
