Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where Did It Start?

So, the last post I made is a post I made in my myspace blog, on facebook, and even in the forums....I figured that it was a good way to start off this blog. Like, my 5th restart. lol.

Why am I starting, er, restarting, another blog when I already blog on myspace?
I have no idea.
I think it's something about people being able to view my blog without viewing all my personal info.
Or maybe because I want a blog with basically one theme, not just random thoughts and glimpses of my creativity.

This is my Take The Walk blog.

Inspired by Hanson, their Take The Walk book and EP, and all the walks they've hosted and have been hosted by fans.

It's inspired by Hanson, but not because of Hanson.
Does that make sense?

Yes, the walks and all of that goes to help children living in poverty in Africa, many living with or affected by the AIDS epidemic.

But this blog is going to go further then that.

This past World AIDS Day, December 1st, I was talking to a friend on facebook. He told me about one of his friends who died from AIDS.
Hearing about someone on this continent that died from this horrible disease changed my outlook.
Yeah, I've known for a long time that AIDS is over here.
I knew that before I knew about the epidemic in Africa.
But I've never known anyone that's known someone who's died from it.
It kind of puts the whole situation into perspective.

There's a lot of stuff on our plates.
AIDS in Africa.
Equal rights for everybody.
Global warming.
That's just some of the issues we face today.

I'm one person.
I don't have a lot of money.
And I live in a small town.
But I can still stand up and take a stand.
I can still start to change the world.

I have the internet.
I have my voice.
And I have my friends.
If we work together we can cause change.
Create a ripple effect.

All it takes is for us to get out there.
Get educated.
Open our eyes.

We have a long walk ahead of us, but together we can make it.

I'm not going to let my voice be silenced.
I'm going to speak out and let people know about the problems the world faces....and more importantly, that we can start working to actually solve those problems.
One step at a time.

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