Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"I know it will take some time"

I just watched an amazing documentary all about the AIDS epidemic in the USA, in the 1980s. The film is called "Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt". I won't go too much into what it's about, because I'll start crying my eyes out again. It really moved me.

The world went from referring to AIDS as the "gay plague" in the '80s, to almost forgetting that AIDS is still in North America. The only time I hear about it in the general media is with regards to Africa. Which isn't all bad, I mean, at least it's still in our consciousness. But, how can we help all those people in Africa without helping the ones in our own backyard?

Sure, people here now have access to medicines that can mean a fairlly normal, long life. Something African's don't have. Maybe this is why we have almost forgotten that AIDS still exists here.

It is still here.
It hasn't magically left our shores and infected African people.

We have to work to help EVERYBODY that has this disease or has been affected by it in someway.
No one person is anymore important then another.
We're all equal.
We all deserve equal treatment.
Equal representation.

But before we can even think about curing AIDS anywhere, we HAVE to give everyone equal rights.
I mean, look at the USA. There's only 2 states where gay marriage is legal. There was 3, but California reversed their decision. That's 2 states out of 50 where gay people can be recognized as legally married. TWO!!!!!!
Where as, here, in Canada, gay marriage is legal all across the country.
I'm straight, I have nothing to worry about. When I finally do meet Mr. Right, I don't have to worry about getting married or being accepted.
I want every single one of my gay friends and acquaintances to have the same opportunities that I have.
Love has nothing to do with gender, race, religion, sexuality, or beliefs. It has to do with people. People fall in love. Sexual orientations don't. Religions don't. Beliefs don't. People do.

I know this entry started talking about AIDS and has now gone down to love, but in a way it's all connected.
I'll leave you to think about that.

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