Friday, December 26, 2008


So, I have decided to make this my normal, everyday (so to speak) blog. Makes more sense to have one blog, instead of two!

Another decision I have made is:

I Am Not Making New Year's Resolutions This Year!!

Not doing it!
Instead, I am making a list of things I'm going to do and another list of the things I want to do.
Because resolutions NEVER work.
So, if I make a list of the things I will and want to do, then I'll actually accomplish something!

Okay, firstly, I'm making 2009's theme song "My Life" by Bon Jovi. It's pretty much an awesome song and definitely the direction I see my life headed in 2009. But it will probably change. I mean how many theme songs have I had this year? And none of which were chosen ahead of time!
But in general, I'd say "Time Of My Life" by David Cook pretty much sums up 2008. But there's so many...2008's theme was just music in general!

Here are my lists:
Things I Will Do In 2009
1. Go to Myrtle beach in March
2. Go to Florida for my b-day in June.
3. Apply to the Education program at more schools (getting in isn't up to me)
4. Lose 15 - 20 pounds by Myrtle Beach
5. Lose 35-40 pounds by Florida (which means I should be at my goal...that I've had since I was 16.......)
6. Host my own Walk

Things I Want To Do In 2009
1. Get a new job (this is here, strictly because of the economy)
2. Get my own place (again, only here because of the economy and job situation)
3. Go to England for the GM fan club Christmas party
4. Go to the PNE...finally!
5. Start learning an instrument

So, those are my lists.
I know that I'll be able to accomplish some things on them, so that gives me confidence to accomplish the rest.

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