Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How I Met My Best Friends - Part One

I am going to start a series of blogs recalling the awesome events that led me to have the amazing friends that I am so blessed to have in my life.

The friends that I just cannot imagine my life without.

The first installment being dedicated to the amazing John Tulli!
Or Johnny as I call him, because that's how he introduced himself, and I'm the type of person that calls someone the name they initially give me.
Or simply, my big brother! ♥ to begin this installment....

Back in January of 2008 I saw a preview of a little show called "Eli Stone".
I was perplexed as to why George Michael was on my television, so I turned in for episode one.
To make a long, overtold story short, I became hooked on the show & George Michael's music, particularly after hearing "Amazing".

It was this new fascination of George Michael that led me to sign up for his fanclub.
The 1st little while I made vague posts here and there, but I do remember Johnny being very welcoming & nice in all his responses to my innocent posts saying things I know others were angered by.
After a couple months I started talking to a group of people in a thread Johnny started.
Which led to another thread...I think we ended up with 3 or 4 different threads. haha.

Johnny & 3 others were going to the Dallas George Michael show that summer, and I was having George withdrawals since my show has come and gone. So I had asked him if he could call me from the show during one song.
I realized that giving out my phone number to a complete stranger was risky, and a coworker of mine gave me shit for it, but I already trusted Johnny.
From talking to him on the forums & through myspace, I just got a feeling from him that he was a good, decent person.
Well, he phoned me...1st during "Father Figure", and my hand was literally shaking as I listened on my phone.
Then I got a 2nd call from that show during "Faith"....and 2 concert calls from each of his shows after that.

We started talking more on myspace & facebook as he was on the forums less & less.
Back when he was still using facebook chat. lol.
He got excited with me about me going to my 1st Hanson show and that I said I'd call him from it.
He sent me a DVD all about the AIDS quilt & told me all about a friend he lost to AIDS when we talked on World AIDS Day that year.
And I sent him Hanson's Take The Walk Book for his birthday at the beginning of the year.

Originally, there was going to be a George Michael fan club retreat in March and Johnny was going to go...but, well, stupid people happened and Johnny backed out.
I still went.
And had to sit through all those people, who were formerly his friends, ragging on him...just to "warn" me for my visit. saying they "hope my visit would be different".
People. Sheesh.
In any case, when they'd say that stuff, I'd just go quiet and think about how nice Johnny had been to me, and them as well, and how excited I was to finally meet him in June.

June came & I met Lori & Cali at LAX and we all flew to fort Lauderdale together to spend a week, and George Michael's birthday, with Johnny and Lee.
There were some issues...but only with Cali.
The whole trip was amazing and I didn't want to leave!
I had wanted to get "Amazing" tattooed on my ankle while I was down I did.
And my Hanson tatt was fixed up...while it was being worked on, Johnny was getting tattooed at the exact same time. He got the Chinese symbol for "loyalty" tattooed on his wrist.
I had the opportunity to go back and visit him & Lee in October of that year as well...for Johnny's 1st Hanson show.
Visiting them on my own was a great experience.
Johnny & I talked A LOT on the ride up to Orlando for the concert...about religion, life, music, you name it.
And we got lost.
Found ourselves at animal kingdom...not anywhere near our hotel. haha.
Waffle House & Seven Dwarfs Lane.....we needed to be near an Olive Garden...where's this Olive Garden?????
Stupid mapquest directions!!!!!! lol.
Everything about that trip was amazing!
Seeing Stryper & Manic Drive the next night...and I got to meet the insanely hilarious Jim, too!
Seeing, and being disappointed by, "This Is It".
Staring at cute guys we saw on the beach. haha.
Fun times!

God, this is turning into a novel!
And I haven't even reached 2010 yet!!!!

Okay, I need to get more I'll skip Seattle & Bon Jovi with the S Crew.
And I won't go into detail about my trip this past August to visit them....except McSmoothies, "Besides, I'm hotter!", drinking at noon, and Cheesy Gourdida crunches....that pretty much sums up the week.
Actually, the best moment of the week was on Sunday morning when Me, Johnny, Lee, and Cammie were all chilling on the couch watching Family Guy & American Dad episodes.
You know what I was thinking at that moment?
"This is perfect! Right now...this! I love this family, so much."
You know when I really knew that Johnny was going to be one of my best friends forever?
Back around Christmas 2008 when we were talking on facebook.
He asked "You know you're part of my family, right?"
I said, "I think so", as friends being family had been mentioned on the forums before.
And he responded, "Good. And don't you forget it!"

I have a weird memory sometimes.

But every nice thing he's ever said to me, leaves me speechless.
I don't know what I did to deserve an amazing friend like him, but I am so blessed to have him in my life.
I'm blessed that he & Lee consider me a part of their family.
I thank God everyday for my wonderful American family.

There's only one little problem.....

....they live to damn far away!!!!

I love my big brother so much and would do absolutely anything for him!
Anything for that family!

I know that there are plenty of people that never get to meet someone even half as special as Johnny, so that makes me feel special.
Okay, well, that's pretty much it...I'm stopping here before I get too mushy & emotional. haha.
Already getting teary.

Hope you liked this blog entry!

Stay tuned for part 2...which will be up at some random point in the future. haha.

Friday, October 8, 2010

30 Days Of Hanson - Day 2

Favourite Song.

Oh, God.

I can't choose just one!!!!

My top 5 are (in no particular order): If Only, Give A Little, I Am, And I Waited, & Musical Ride.

And I can proudly say that I've heard all 5 songs live! hee hee.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 days Of Hanson - Day One

Day 01: Your favourite brother

The one, the only......ZAC HANSON!!!!!!
I was gonna use his full name, but felt that was a little creepy. No idea why, though. haha.
I have had a crush on this man since I was 11 years old and probably love him more now then back then.
It's never been a creepy, stalkerish kind of crush, though.
I don't even recall ever wanting or thinking I'd marry him one day. haha.
At 11, I just wanted him to be my best friend, nothing more. I mean, I was 11...what else would I want? lol.
At 14, I did kind of dream of having him be my boyfriend, but only sometimes.
Then I found out he was going out with Kate, and then married her, and I was super happy for him.
I still crush on him, drool over pictures of him, and get butterflies in my stomach when I meet him (met him all 5 times I've been to a Hanson show), but I respect him, and his family.
And I HATE it when fans bash his wife & son and make inappropriate passes and gestures at him.
I mean, come on...he's married...he's not going to just drop his family and run off with you!

This post turned into a longer blog then I had intended. haha.

To sum up why he's my favourite:
He's hilariously insane, has a gift for being able to create amazingly awesome songs at the top of his head, has the ability to rock out on the drums while simultanously singing lead, and has a voice that just makes me melt into a puddle of goo.
And he's incredibly sweet. Even when I'm a complete dork. haha.

I took this picture in Spokane, WA. :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hate & Ignorance: The Bain Of My Existance

I've heard about the recent suicides, within the last few weeks, of teenagers who were bullied because of their sexual orientation and I've read ignorant comments on some facebook statuses.

It's these recent events that have caused me to want to write a little blurb.

What I hate most in the world is hate.
Hate and ignorance are the two things that get under my skin the most.
I may say I hate certain types of music or clothing, but that type of hate is really more of a dislike.
What I really HATE is small minded, ignorant people who hate others based on minor differences.

I hate that it's 2010 and kids are killing themselves because other kids belittle and bully them just for who they are.
Schools constantly preach tolerance and say that they're bully free zones and yet they do nothing to help the victims.
Nobody should be made to feel insignificant and worthless just because they're being themselves.

I hate that there are people out in this world that claim to be "Christians" and yet all they preach is hate and how God doesn't accept anyone different from the "norm".
I use the term "Christian" loosely, because, in all honestly, these people are NOT Christian.
They like to think they are and can spout off Bible verses like many people can spout off song lyrics, but when you get right down to what Christianity is all about and what God really preaches, these people are no more Christians than I am a dog.
And last time I checked, I was not of the canine variety!
When these Christians use the Bible to try and say gay people are sinners and are doomed to spend an eternity in Hell, no matter how kind & beautiful they may be, they give all Christians a bad name.

Firstly, the Bible says A LOT of things.
And it makes sense it's a book that was written over 2000 years ago by multiple people.
Yes, it's the word of God, but you cannot tell me that the authors didn't include their own personal beliefs and opinions within God's word.
Like, Leviticus 18:22, probably the most quoted Bible verse when it comes to anti-gay sentiments: " You shall not lie with a male as those who lie with a female; it is an abomination."
Now, this is what Leviticus wrote and what many Bible thumpers pay attention to.
However, those people are also quick to say that the Bible's views on selling daughters into slavery are outdated and unacceptable.
So, apparently, you can just pick and choose which Bible verses you live your life by?
Well, if that's the case, I prefer to pick and choose the Bible verses that pertain to 2 ACCEPTED gay relationships:

  • "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me." (Ruth 1:16-17) (about Ruth & Naomi).
  • "...the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul" (1 Samuel 18:1) (David would be referring to King David)

So, there are gay relationships written about in the Bible.
Accepted gay relationships.
And since this is the case, how can anyone even begin to think that "God hates homosexuals"?
In my opinion, God hates no one.
Why would he?
Did he not create each of us in his own image?
If what I learned in Sunday School is true, and I'm 100% confident that it is, God loves every single one of his children.
And if he did not approve of homosexuality than he wouldn't create gay people.
That's another bone of people being born gay versus "choosing" their lifestyle.
Well, if people can just choose to be gay or straight, than why wouldn't people choose the easier choice and just be straight?
Why would they WANT to be bullied, kicked out of their homes, disowned by their families, spit on, abused, or even killed?
If people can simply choose what sexual orientation they are than why do kids kill themselves to escape the torment they receive from other kids just because of who they are? why don't they just become straight and be happy?
Because sexual orientation is NOT that simple!
No one chooses who they fell in love with.
Back in high school I had a huge crush on a guy that was already in a relationship.
Did it benefit me to fall in love with someone that was already taken and therefore out of my grasp?
Could I just turn off those feelings like a light switch?
I wish I could have, but I couldn't.
Well, gay people don't choose to be gay the same way I didn't choose to like an unavailable guy.
I've argued this fact many times with ignorant, "Christians" and it just boggles my mind that they can't seem to grasp this idea.
No matter how hard I try and make them see I always get the "It's a choice and it's the wrong choice" response.
No matter WHAT I say to try and change their point of view I always seem to fail.
And in my failure, I get angry and more passionate in my views.
I know that what I believe is right.

It's this passion that has caused me to start looking into what I'd need to do in order to become a paralegal and work for a human rights law firm in the USA and fight for gay rights and making same-sex marriage legal in that country.
I want to do whatever I can to help make people see that gay people are just that: people.
And as people they deserve the same respect that every single straight person gets, whether they deserve it or not.
Many countries look to America as the example as to how they should run their country.
And although many countries have legalized same-sex marriage (and I'm proud to call one of those my home) if the US can legalize it I have faith that even more countries will follow suit.

People are killing themselves because they're made to feel like less than human just because of the way they were born.
We need to accept each other's differences and learn to love one another.

When I have children, I want them to grow up in a world where they are free to be who they are without fear of being ridiculed for it.

The Beatles put it best when they said "All You Need Is Love".

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maybe There Was A Greater Purpose To Watching "Eli Stone"

I say this because, in essence, if I had never watched episode one of that magnificent (and yet failed) show, I definitely would not be staring down the road of Law today.
Yes, the immediate affect of the show had me converted into a George Michael fan, but it was because of this that I met people that have definitely changed my life.
And by changing my life, they also changed the direction my life is headed.

Prior to the show, I was going to be a teacher.
One way or another, I was going to teach 2nd to 4th grade.
I had it all planned out.
Well, actually, even after I stopped watching the show that was still my plan.

Then, this past December friends of mine, I met because of George Michael and his fan club, had issues with their daughter's mother and the law in the state of Florida.
Everything about this situation pissed me off to no end.
I wanted to help in any way I could, but living in Canada, there wasn't much I could do.
It all worked out in their favour and I was incredibly happy for them.
But I still wanted to do something.
Not just for them, but for others as well.

What's kind of pushed me over the edge in my decision is the latest out of California and Prop 8 being called "unconstitutional" and thrown out.
Hearing all the negativity and hatred people hold towards gay people really gets my blood boiling.
The arguments people have against gay marriage tend to make absolutely no sense whatsoever and yet they end up being the words the United States of America listens to.

I want to make the world a better, more equal place.
I want to help people.
I can work with children through Girl Guides, but I think I want to go into law.
I realize that it's a darn sight more expensive then Education, and I already have a $16,000 student loan payment, but I want to do it.
No...that's not right.
I feel I need to do it.

I've been looking at some law schools online, both here in BC and in the US.
I'm still not sure if I want to spend 3 to 4 years in school to become a full blown lawyer, graduating at either 28 or 29, or if I want to go to school for about 2 years and become a legal secretary.
I may apply to schools in both areas and see what happens.

All I know for certain is that I think God had a greater reason for me to watch "Eli Stone".
He was a lawyer that, through his visions, helped people and tried to improve society.
And now, here I am, ready to do just that, minus the visions, of course.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No FAU For Me!

That is're eyes are not playing tricks on you...
I will NOT be attending Florida Atlantic University next year.
Well, seeing as my Florida family is planning a move to the Virginia area, it wouldn't make much sense for me to move to Boca Raton, now would it?
Oh well...the international forms and inability to get in touch with a certain international adviser was getting highly frustrating.
Plus, it's a heck of a lot cheaper to stay in BC for school.
The only thing is...I'm not 100% sure I actually want to be a teacher.
I mean, I still do, still want to work with kids, but I'm just not sure I want to be a teacher.
Like, I'm only 75% sure.
I'd like to find some career in music that I could do.
And I still have that nagging feeling of becoming a human rights lawyer, or at least a paralegal in a human rights law office.
Ever since December, with all the drama that surrounded my Florida family, I just wanted to do something to help. I wanted to fight for them, for their rights as people.
Naturally, if I choose this route I'd get my education here and then apply for a visa and job to work in the US.
But, I'm still not sure.
I mean, to become a full fledged lawyer...that's least 4 more years of school, right?
Not sure if I could handle that. A lawyer? There's, like, public speaking involved! :S
But a paralegal...shorter program and I could still feel like I'd be helping fight the good fight.
I guess I still have a few months to make a decision.
I think I may talk to Johnny about my thoughts. I really value and trust his opinions and advice.

Oh, yeah...I guess I'll no longer be able to call them my Florida Family anymore. haha.
And since "Virginia Family" just doesn't have the same ring to it, I think they'll now become my "American Family". :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I feel obligated to blog now....

Well, Melissa and Haida have been back to blogging again, so maybe I should, too.
Not like I have much to write about...and I have to get ready for work in a few minutes.
So...where to start....hmmmm....
Oh, right.....
I'm gonna dance my ass to speak...I don't really have an ass. haha.
I arrive down there on August 24th to spend a week with the bestest big brother in the universe!!!
But I'm already dreading going home.
I'm not even there yet and I already don't want to leave!
But when I'm there we're gonna flashmob to TBS and hopefully I'm gonna get myself a guitar.
Oh...and my Hanson tour fliers arrived a few days ago.
Vancouver's going to be plastered with fliers this time around!
Unlike 2 years ago when there wasn't an ounce of promotion done.
We're a better street team this time!
Okay...well...I need to get ready for work now...
Blog ya later!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Certain events of the day inspired this poem

Letter To A Fair-Weather Friend

One point we were close
Best friends you may say
We’d hang out all the time at school
Until we went our separate ways.

You stopped returning my phone calls
Then again, you never really did
No more weekend hang outs
And just being crazy kids.

I’d go months without any word
Met amazing new friends
Until you needed something from me
Suddenly the distance had an end.

You’d show up at my door
In tears about what he said
Asking for some comfort
And a place to rest your head.

I’d always smile and let you in
That’s what good friends do
But you never did the same for me
When the foot was in the other shoe.

Don’t worry, I don’t hate you,
It’s not that I don’t care
It’s just that as friends
We are supposed to share.

I don’t mind being the one you turn to
I’ll put a smile on your face
But where did you go
When I needed a laugh and an embrace?

It makes me feel as if
Our friendship was nothing but a joke
Like you used me for my good nature
And your smile was a hoax.

So excuse me if I’m not a comfort
For your new little issue
It’s hard to be sympathetic
When you feel like an old, used tissue.

I’ll support you in almost anything
That you may choose to do
But as for this one-sided friendship
Well, it’s time that it’s through.

I can’t be there
Every time you feel beat down
Not when you can’t help me
Make a smile out of my frown.

I’ll cherish the memories
And the good times we had
But now I have great friends
We pick each other up when we’re sad.

We share and laugh
And hug through any pain.
Remember, I’ll still be there for you
Just wish you’d do the same.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Short & Sappy

You know how I've always stated that I like never cry during songs?
Well, rarely anyway.
Well, I got teary today during "Carry You There" & "I Will Come To You"...and "Use Me Up" because it played right after CYT. haha.
I was just thinking about how blessed I am to have such amazing friends.
My life would be, well, so blah without them.
It just really sucks that they all, except for Haida, live so far away.
Makes me super sad. :'(

Okay, well, that's really all I have to say.
If I say too much more I'll start crying.
Doesn't help that "Use Me Up" just started playing.
Ah crap.
I can already feel the tears starting.
Well...that's it...I'm gone!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hanson....the Red Bull of Rock 'n' Roll!

April 5th...the day Hanson premiered the 1st single from "Shout It Out".
"Thinking 'Bout Somethin'" won't be officially available until the 27th, but, let's be honest...what fan doesn't already have it on their ipods?

Now, you may be asking yourself...why is she awake, and blogging, at 1am?

Three words..."Thinking 'Bout Somethin'".

Yes, yes.

I have it on my ipod.

I laid down to sleep, like a good little girl....but I decided I needed to listen to this song just one more time.
Bad decision!
I even ended up getting out of bed to work on my TBS dance moves.
Failing miserably...damn gallbladder issues!

Hanson has succeeded in creating a "get off your ass and dance" song.
Because even if you're tired, you are re-energized and revitalized.

I'll TRY and be in bed by 1:30.
My eyes are drooping...but my brain is fully charged.
We'll see how that goes.
Hanson...they'll give you wings!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

And So My Mind Wanders.......

Okay, so I got bored.
I turned on my itunes and started playing solitare.
Exciting life I do lead, right?
Then I googled apartments in Boca, near FAU.
I think I'm in love! ♥
Clearly, I'm laying claim to the larger room w/ a walk-in closet and its own bathroom.
Um, 'cause I'm a girl and that's just the way we roll.
Even us extremely low maintenance girls need our space. haha.
Mike doesn't need as much space as I do...I have a TON of clothes!
Well, less now since I got rid of a bunch, but still...I need the space. lmao.

Oh yes...this place also has an in unit washer & dryer!!!!
This in itself is pretty amazing!
But, the building also has an exercise room AND a pool.
Why must Boca be so damn awesome? haha.

Yes...I may sometimes let my mind wander to what it would be like to not only live in Boca, but live with a boy.
I keep hearing Monica Geller's voice in my head saying "I'm going to live with a boy!"
Except, Mike is WAY cooler then Chandler Bing. haha.

So, it 2011 yet?
Oh, I'd better be accepted to FAU! hee hee.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Florida & Friends ♥

Okay, where to begin?
Oh, yeah!
I have FINALLY applied to Florida Atlantic University!!!
I applied for the Fall 2011 semester, though.
It makes more sense in the end, plus, since my mom's pension kicks in next May, it's financially more responsible of me to leave home next year.
And there's a lot of stuff I have to get order if I'm accepted.
I have to get a student visa for starters, and find a place to live, and more paper stuff.
It isn't easy for a Canadian to move to the US, you know.
It should be easy, but, alas, it is not.

Man, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope I'm accepted!!!!
The more I find out about FAU, the more I love it, and the more I love it, the more I want to to go there!
The university here, Vancouver Island University (the school I got my BA from), uses the slogan "Love Where You Learn".
Every time I see/hear it, I always mutter "I will love where I learn if I can go to FAU!"
I feel like I've become slightly obsessed with the school.
It's the only school I really want to go to.
I mean, the University of Northern BC is okay and everything, but, well, it just doesn't compare to FAU.
Sure, FAU is a crapload more expensive, but I'll just have to over apply for scholarships and student loans.
I'm sure I can get a couple scholarships.

I just really want to be in Boca.
I know it would be different if I lived there, versus just visiting, but there's a calming element to Boca.
I feel very relaxed there.
Yeah, okay, that may be because Johnny & Lee's house is the most relaxed home on the planet, but still.
The other people I've met in Boca, which isn't a whole lot, have all seemed very open and welcoming.

Okay, well, that's enough of that.
Moving on.....

I did some photoshopping today.
I was thinking about my small circle of friends and how very blessed I feel to have them all in my life.
You see, I had once heard that you make your best, lifelong friends in college.
When I heard this, I was like "Oh, well, that's wonderful. I made pretty much NO friends in college!"
No, seriously, I made, like, ZERO friends!
Tons of acquaintances who would say hi to me if they passed me at the mall, but no actual friends.
I'm kind of shy. Especially is places where I don't really know people.
I kind of need others to make the 1st move.
Could be why I've never had a boyfriend.........?
Anyway...back to the friend thing.....
Then I thought about that statement a bit longer.
What if it's not IN college, but rather just college age when you make your best, lifelong friends?
Because then, it's 1000% true!
I mean, I only have a handful of close friends, and I'm perfectly okay with that....because I know they'll always be there!!! :D
No matter what, I know I can count on these people for anything!
And I love them all so much!!! ♥

Back in high school, I had 2 best friends, and I thought that we would always stay in touch and nothing would really change.
Man, was I mistaken!
One friend only seems to want to hang out when she's dealing with a stressful situation and needs someone to lean on...I've seen her twice in the last couple of years, both under stressful, for her, circumstances.
The other friend, well, he's awesome! He's a freaking genius!
But, I've only seen him twice since 2005.......January 2009 & January 2010.
Not including random run-ins at the bank, Wal-Mart, or when he comes through the drive-thru at work.
Back when we graduated from high school, I was almost positive we'd all remain close, but, well, life happened and pulled us all apart.
I mean, I still love them, they're great friends & people, and I'd love it if the 3 of us could all go hang out at the movies like old times, but I also know that it probably won't happen.

Some people may find it weird that all but 1 of my close friends live so far away.
Other then Haida, Melissa's the closest and she lives about 6 hours away! (I think.)
But, yet, I don't find it weird at all.
Sure, I'd love it if we all lived on the same block, in the same city, but we don't.
It just makes it all the more special when we do get to hang out!
And I love the fact that most of my friends are American.
I've learned so much about the US, and I've learned to respect their country more.
Well, I still make fun of them a bit, I mean, it's my right as a Canadian! haha.
But, it's all in fun!

Okay, well, I should probably wrap this up...I've been rambling on long enough and now I'm hungry.
But at least this is a pretty good blog! hee hee.

Monday, March 29, 2010


And at least 25 tank tops, 11 Hanson shirts, 3 Hanson hoodies, 2 Bon Jovi tees, 5 George Michael tees, a bunch of other graphic tees, a few nice tees, 3 or 4 nice shirts, 4 or 5 long sleeve shirts, a few pairs of jeans, and about 8 shorts/capris.
Not including the 3 skirts and hoodies/sweaters I unloaded into my mom's spare cupboard.
My closet is now clean.
The rest of my room...well, my closet kind of threw up all over it.
I'm currently taking a break from cleaning right now.
I had a headache.
I made myself a milkshake and sat down.
I still have a headache and I kind of think the ice cream had started to turn....


Ricky Martin's gay.
Yeah, not exactly mind blowing, is it?

I swear I had some great blog topics in my mind earlier today.
Unfortunately, they have seemed to escape my brain.
Which sucks 'cause I feel like I am in an unofficial competition with Melissa to see who can write the better blog entry.
I am pretty confident that she is winning.

I found my good Santa hat!
It was buried in my closet.
I've also bagged up a whole bunch of clothes that I'll be giving to the SOS (local thrift store).
I also have discovered that I need more hangers....and a bigger closet.

Is it wrong that as I was hanging stuff in my closet I kept thinking about which clothes I was going to bring to Boca next time?
I also had an urge to pack...even though nothing has been confirmed/planned.
Clearly, I REALLY want to be in Boca right now.

Um...yeah...what else....

Oh mom pre-ordered "Shout It Out" for my b-day tonight!
Well, I typed in the info, but she paid. hee hee.
It's the $25 deluxe edition.
The sensibly priced package.
I just want the music and the DVD.
Well, I WANT the headphones and record player, but I can't afford $800. lol.

Okay, well, that's my blog for tonight.
Hopefully, tomorrow will give way to a more interesting blog. lol.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Song Of The Day

This song came on on my itunes and it made me think of Johnny's status "Be a hero. Mentor a child."
So, I decided to post it.
I'll probably write a lengthier blog later tonight, but this will do for now.

The song:
Children Need A Helping Hand - Bravo All-Stars

Saturday, March 27, 2010

To Get Contacts Or Not To Get Contacts.....

....that is the question.

I have been wearing glasses since the age of 3.
I've grown accustomed to the feeling of the frames on my face, and having to push them up my nose in the heat.

Last night, while out for dinner at friends' of my mom, I was informed that I have "very pretty eyes" and shouldn't hide them behind glasses and that I should try contacts.

Now, I can see their point, however, the idea of sticking my finger into my eye to put a lens on it grosses me the hell out!!! *shivers*

Not to mention the fact that I can't remember what it's like not to wear glasses.

I don't know.
I mean, I'd like to try something new, even just occasionally, but, well, I've kind of formed an attachment to my spectacles.

That reminds me...I need to look into getting new frames/lenses....these glasses suck! haha.

But, do I get contacts with the glasses 0r not?
It's not like I go anywhere where I'd need to look spiffy and glassesless....there's no guys to look hot for around this shithole town anyway! haha.

So, the question remains.....contacts or no contacts?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

There Ain't No Party Like An S Crew Party!!!!

The 5 of us Seattle Peeps!!!

I took S Club 7's song "S Club Party" and reworded it slightly to create a theme song for our little, amazingly awesome group!!!
The original video is at the end so you can get the gist of the tune and sing along! hee hee.

S Crew Party

Gettin' down tonight, a come on, yeah
Gettin' down tonight, uh huh, everybody
Get down tonight

S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna show you how (everybody get down tonight)
S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna take you high (shake your body from side to side)

Finally Friday night
Feelin' kinda good, lookin' alright
Gotta get movin', can't be late
Gotta get groovin', just can't wait (ho!)
Get the feeling (get the feeling)
Push the ceiling (push the ceiling)
Player hater (player hater)
Get ready everybody 'cos here we go!

S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna show you how (everybody get down tonight)
S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna take you high (shake your body from side to side)

O-oh O-oh! Throw your hands in the air
O-oh O-oh! Like you just don't care
O-oh O-oh! There's a party over here
O-oh O-oh! There's a party over there

Alyssa's doing her dance
John's looking for his pants
Mike's getting down on the floor
While Haida's screaming out for more (ooh hoo!)
Wanna see Melissa swing
Wanna see Jovi do their thing
Then we’ll get a great Hanson show
Get ready everybody 'cos here we go!

S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna show you how (everybody get down tonight)
S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna take you high (shake your body from side to side)

O-oh O-oh! Throw your hands in the air
O-oh O-oh! Like you just don't care
O-oh O-oh! There's a party over here
O-oh O-oh! There's a party over there
O-oh O-oh! Throw your hands in the air
O-oh O-oh! Like you just don't care
O-oh O-oh! There's a party over here
O-oh O-oh! There's a party over there

Rocker boys, make some noise!
Crazy chicas, raise a freak-a!

S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna show you how (everybody get down tonight)

S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna show you how (everybody get down tonight)
S Crew (there ain't no party like an S Crew party)
Gonna take you high (shake your body from side to side)
[Repeat to fade]

What an amazing bunch we are! I love you all!!!! ♥

Song Of The Day

So, this song came on my itunes and I listened to it on repeat a few times.
It makes me think of my close circle of friends, especially the Seattle Crew.
And as far as the Seattle Crew is concerned, since we'll see each other in other places, Haida and I decided that we should be "The S Crew". We even have our own song!
It's taken from S Club 7's "S Club Party" so it's to that tune.
The song goes like this: "S Crew...Gonna show you how!!!" And there's a special handshake that goes along with it! haha. of the day, dedicated to all my friends:

Video Of The Day

I again do not know what to blog about.
Well, I suppose I could write about my feelings of Christianity and how I am sometimes ashamed to call myself a Christian because of the way other "Christians" act and speak. But I don't feel like doing that type of a blog right now.
So, instead I will post a video.

I am posting this video because apparently Haida has never heard this song.
Which is just wrong!!! haha.

Anywho..... the video:

Video Of The Day

I don't really have much to say today.
Idol was craptastic and made my ears bleed from Miley Cyrus, Joe Jonas, & Demi I ended up muting the television for their performances. haha.
But, the worst performer did go home, so that was nice.
But, anywho...since I have very little to say, I'll give you a video.
So, sit back, relax, and remember the late 1990s!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's Up With American Idol Season 9?

Why is it so boring?
Top 11 and I've already made my finale predictions.

Top 4: Crystal, Siobhan, Casey, Michael
Top 3: Crystal, Siobhan, Casey
Top 2: Crystal, Siobhan
Winner: Crystal

Those are the only 4 contestants that actually have any talent.

I mean, what's up with the suckiness of this season?

It's booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also....Miley...a mentor?
Idol, have you lost you freakin' minds?
Should the mentor not actually have, um, what's that word....oh, right, TALENT!!!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's Wrong With The United States of America?

I hope I don't offend anyone with this entry.
That is NOT my intention.
I just have many questions and observations about Canada's closest ali (sorry, Britain, but it's true).
My observations start with the whole health care issue.
Half the US is against it, while the other half is either 100% for it or undecided about it.
In some ways I can see why people would be against it.
I mean, it's new.
New things are scary.
I get that.
But when every American citizen will be forced to get health insurance, and can't be turned down no matter what, that's a good thing. Isn't it?
I just spent 1 week in the hospital and kept think to myself, "How much would this cost me if I was an American?"
I work at McDonald's.
I can't afford health care bills!
Americans go in debt every day over simple doctor's visits, child birth, and childhood injuries that require stitches.
People avoid the doctors because they can't afford it.
In America...the supposed "LAND OF THE FREE".
That doesn't sound so free to me.
Some people say that the doctors will be ripped off or taxes will increase to pay for all of this.
Okay, let's start with the doctors.
Think about this.....more people have insurance, more people will get the medical treatment that they desperately need but can't afford, insurance companies will then pay out, and that money lines the pockets of the doctors and surgeons. Wouldn't it be win-win then?
And the taxes?
Um, America, I live in Canada....I've heard we pay a crapload more in taxes then you guys, so I doubt your taxes would go up THAT much. lol.
Plus, in the long run, if the poor can get medical treatment, what's a few more dollars out of your pockets? Just stop buying an extra fat-free mocha latte everyday and you'll be fine.
I don't know, maybe my health care system up here in the Great White North has spoiled me.
But I love being able to go to the doctor or stay in a hospital and only have to worry about one thing: getting better.
Don't you guys want that?

And my 2nd observation is the whole same-sex marriage/gay rights debate.
Should this not be simple, cut and dried?
Gays are PEOPLE and shouldn't all PEOPLE be treated fairly, with dignity and respect?
When we're in kindergarten, no, pre-school actually, we're all taught that if we don't have anything nice to say, not to say anything at all. And that lesson is carried through the early elementary grades. But somewhere around 4th or 5th grade those lessons stop, and children forget them.
By middle school, it's all out chaos.
You show up to school wearing the wrong coloured socks and there's some kid ready to jump on you.
For me, high school was a much better place then middle school. We were growing up and learning to respect each other's differences.
But, I know that for many kids, that's not the case.
Kids can be cruel.
They don't need much of a reason to be cruel either, and yet there are adults that give them reasons to ridicule the "uncool" kids.
Like the Mississippy prom issue.
So the girl wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom.
Big whoop!
Girls take girls all the time, that's no reason to cancel the whole damn thing for everybody!
I took a girl to my prom!
But, I guess that's okay 'cause both of us are straight, right?
That school board just made her life more difficult then it probably already was.
The prom was cancelled because of her.
Think of the flack she's going to get from her fellow classmates.
Not all of them, of course, but a good chunk of them.
It's just wrong.
What's so evil and wrong about a girl wanting to share the best moment in a high schooler's life with the person she loves? Who cares if that person is another girl?
I do not understand why the "land of the free" is so afraid of homosexuality.
They go on and on about how great their country is and all the opportunities people have there, and well, it's not all that great.
4 out of 50 States allow same-sex marriage, and the District of Columbia.
It would be 5 if California hadn't stuck their heads up their asses again and reversed the bill.
I mean, come on, people!!!!
Love is love!!!
Canadian gays, British gays, Dutch gays, and many more of way more rights and freedoms then the majority of American gays.
And yet Americans still think they're so high and mighty!
They need to step off their high horse, forget about finding a bearded terrorist, realize all the injustice that's going on in their OWN country, and fix their country.
The majority of the world hates the United States, perhaps if they fixed themselves internally they would improve how they look externally.

And now on to my observations on the American school system....
I want to be an elementary school teacher.
I want to go to Florida Atlantic University.
And then...I want to stay in Boca and find a job teaching at a local school.
Because in my school days I was educated about the world outside of my country.
We learned all about our history in elementary school...until we were sick of the fur trade and could say the provinces and their capitals in our sleeps.
Then in middle school we learned all about Peru, Nigeria, Japan, Egypt, Evolution of Man, Europe, Ancient China, the religion of Islam, and mapping skills. And that was in 3 years!
In high school, we spent 3 years learning a more in depth history of our country and then in grade 12, you could choose what you took. I chose History so I learned way too much about Russia and communism (like the fact that the American CIA actually trained Osama Bin Laden during the Russian-Afghanistan War) and other stuff that has now left my brain.
Now, I don't know much about the American school system, but if 11% of American university students can't pick out their own nation on a world map, something's wrong.
Considering the average Canadian 2nd grader can not only pick out Canada on a world map, but also the US and Mexico...since we're all on one continent.
I want to be a teacher in the US to help open children's minds.
I want them to see that a)there's more to the world then just what's in their borders and b)that every human being has the right to be treated with dignity and respect, even if their way of life may seem unusual or even scary to some.
Perhaps, this is too much to ask, or may seem to difficult.
But children, if caught at the right age, will soak up anything you tell them like sponges.
Give them the right knowledge and the world will become a better place for all of us.
And this whole "No Child Left Behind Act", yeah, that should just be a given. The Act itself shouldn't even need to exist.

Now, Canada isn't perfect either.
No country is.
But the United States of America, at least to many outsiders seems to see itself as being perfect, when they are far from it.
Isn't the sucide rate among gay teens one of the highest?
It's 2010!
People should NOT feel they are so horrible for the way they were born that they need to kill themselves.

I love the US, I do.
My friends in Florida are my 2nd family and, like I said, I want to move there.
But the country needs to change.
I guess, more then anything the same-sex marriage debate is what really bothers me.
Having gay friends and all.
And the more I talk to Johnny, and learn about homosexuality, the more I hate what's going on in the US.
The close-minded, Conservative jerks NEED to get out of power.
Religion and State are separate.
This whole "we need to protect the sanctity of marriage" debate is crap.
Marriage hasn't been sacred in YEARS!!
When people can go to Vegas, get drunk, go to a 24 hour wedding chapel, say their vows infront of a bad Elvis impersonator, then get it anulled the next day because they realize what they did, the sanctity is kind of gone.
Then there's the divorce rate.
People get divorced left, right, and centre.
And yet people that actually WANT to get married, and would probably make their marriages last, are denied, just because they're 2 men or 2 women.
And then if a same-sex couple wants kids....
That's another topic I could spend a day and a half on.
But, I'm already rambling on long enough.
I really wish I could fly around the US and pe apart of as many Gay Rights' Marches as possible.
To feel like I'd actually be doing something to help.

I just have to get my feelings out.
And it's because I love the country that I feel I can point out its flaws.
Again, Canada isn't perfect, but at least everyone is equal, has access to great medical care, and a good education.
I hope America can sort itself out soon.
For the sake of all the Americans that I hold so closely in my heart!

Thanks for letting me ramble and rant.
That is all I have to say on these particular subjects.
For now anyway.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

20 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

These are in no particular order, just the order that they entered my cranium:
  1. Visit the Maritime Provinces
  2. Visit Newfoundland
  3. Visit The Yukon
  4. Visit Northwest Territories
  5. Visit Nunavut
  6. Visit the 35 US States I have yet to visit
  7. Visit the village of Horstead in England
  8. Visit Norway
  9. Visit Australia
  10. See Hanson at Cain's in Tulsa
  11. See Bon Jovi in New Jersey
  12. See George Michael in London
  13. Go to Disneyland
  14. Go To Disneyworld
  15. Be a reporter
  16. Meet all the members of Bon Jovi
  17. Meet George Michael
  18. March for Gay rights
  19. Go to a Gay Pride parade
  20. Teach/live in Boca Raton, Florida
I may add to this list later on, but currently these are the things I want to accomplish. My bucket list if you will.

Video Of The Day

Underneath - Hanson (2004)
This video has two versions.

This version, the better one, you see the band, and think they're alone in the room. At the end, you see the fans in the audience and realize that it's a show.

This version has the 1st version playing on a little TV in an empty room as vines start growing all over the room.
I find this version boring because the damn TV is so small and you can't see Hanson that well. haha

How To Become Cool In 5 Minutes Or Less!

Read this, 'cause it's cool and you should, 'cause then you would be cool, too.
Or at least cooler then you were before you read it.
I can't guarantee that it will make you in fact cool, if you are currently completely uncool, but at least if you read it then you will gain some cool points which will put you on the fast track to coolville, making you infinitely cooler then you were prior to reading what has been written.


Read this:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I Miss My Big Brother!

I just wanted to write this here blog entry to say that I miss my big brother!!!
Johnny is the best big brother I never had and I hate the fact that he lives so gosh darn far away!
I miss sitting on his couch, sipping a glass of VOGA and watching a great movie.
I miss driving with him in his car talking about, well, anything.
I miss rocking out to so much awesome music with him.
How come some of the best people in your life have to live so far away from you?
It's just not fair!!!
I also think the cost of an airline ticket to Florida should be waived if you have family or people like family that live there.
And I have both, so I'm good.
Though I have yet to visit my granny in Palm Harbour...I should probably do that one day. Too bad Boca Raton is so far away from PH...and so much better! hee hee.
Well, I guess that's really all I have to say tonight.
I miss my awesome big bro and am so blessed that he's a part of my life!!!

Friends are the siblings God Never Gave Us

Just Out Of The Hospital Fears

so, I just got out of the hospital.

I was supposed to have my gall bladder removed, but due to infection it's still in there for another month and I have a bag hanging at my side with a tube that's stuck in my gallbladder to drain the bile...for 2 weeks.

It hurts to laugh, yawn, breath deeply, and cough. Every time I roll over in bed or get up from sitting or laying down I am afraid the tubing will come out. Even though it won't.

I wasn't afraid of this in the hospital, but it's the hospital...if something did happen they could fix it.

Now that I'm at home it's not that simple.

A nurse is coming by tomorrow to change the dressing so she'll be able to resolve my fears.

Until then I'm kind of thinking it will be an all nighter for me.

I am more comfortable sitting in a chair then laying down. lol.

I'm also oddly not tired despit the fact I had 2 Tylenol T3s a couple hours ago, when I was tired. lol.

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's been awhile.

Well, I'm not really in the mood to write a lengthy blog, as I just returned home from the hospital and sitting is still kind of awkward, but I will write a short blurb.

Okay, so my last post was in August and I was talking about the MJ tribute Johnny was working on.
Well, to bring you up to speed....that's actually probably pointless since the only people reading this are probably Haida & Melissa, and possibly Mike & Johnny, too, so...well...I'll just blurb about Jello.

I like jello, preferably orange, but I could now go a couple years without ever seeing the jiggly stuff again.
After eating it pretty much 3 times a day for the past week in the hospital because of the damn clear fluid diet, I am sick of it!

Okay, well, that's about it I suppose.

Oh yes......


That is all.

P.S. According to isaac, things look pretty good for a Vancouver Hanson show. YAY!
