Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Florida & Friends ♥

Okay, where to begin?
Oh, yeah!
I have FINALLY applied to Florida Atlantic University!!!
I applied for the Fall 2011 semester, though.
It makes more sense in the end, plus, since my mom's pension kicks in next May, it's financially more responsible of me to leave home next year.
And there's a lot of stuff I have to get order if I'm accepted.
I have to get a student visa for starters, and find a place to live, and more paper stuff.
It isn't easy for a Canadian to move to the US, you know.
It should be easy, but, alas, it is not.

Man, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope I'm accepted!!!!
The more I find out about FAU, the more I love it, and the more I love it, the more I want to to go there!
The university here, Vancouver Island University (the school I got my BA from), uses the slogan "Love Where You Learn".
Every time I see/hear it, I always mutter "I will love where I learn if I can go to FAU!"
I feel like I've become slightly obsessed with the school.
It's the only school I really want to go to.
I mean, the University of Northern BC is okay and everything, but, well, it just doesn't compare to FAU.
Sure, FAU is a crapload more expensive, but I'll just have to over apply for scholarships and student loans.
I'm sure I can get a couple scholarships.

I just really want to be in Boca.
I know it would be different if I lived there, versus just visiting, but there's a calming element to Boca.
I feel very relaxed there.
Yeah, okay, that may be because Johnny & Lee's house is the most relaxed home on the planet, but still.
The other people I've met in Boca, which isn't a whole lot, have all seemed very open and welcoming.

Okay, well, that's enough of that.
Moving on.....

I did some photoshopping today.
I was thinking about my small circle of friends and how very blessed I feel to have them all in my life.
You see, I had once heard that you make your best, lifelong friends in college.
When I heard this, I was like "Oh, well, that's wonderful. I made pretty much NO friends in college!"
No, seriously, I made, like, ZERO friends!
Tons of acquaintances who would say hi to me if they passed me at the mall, but no actual friends.
I'm kind of shy. Especially is places where I don't really know people.
I kind of need others to make the 1st move.
Could be why I've never had a boyfriend.........?
Anyway...back to the friend thing.....
Then I thought about that statement a bit longer.
What if it's not IN college, but rather just college age when you make your best, lifelong friends?
Because then, it's 1000% true!
I mean, I only have a handful of close friends, and I'm perfectly okay with that....because I know they'll always be there!!! :D
No matter what, I know I can count on these people for anything!
And I love them all so much!!! ♥

Back in high school, I had 2 best friends, and I thought that we would always stay in touch and nothing would really change.
Man, was I mistaken!
One friend only seems to want to hang out when she's dealing with a stressful situation and needs someone to lean on...I've seen her twice in the last couple of years, both under stressful, for her, circumstances.
The other friend, well, he's awesome! He's a freaking genius!
But, I've only seen him twice since 2005.......January 2009 & January 2010.
Not including random run-ins at the bank, Wal-Mart, or when he comes through the drive-thru at work.
Back when we graduated from high school, I was almost positive we'd all remain close, but, well, life happened and pulled us all apart.
I mean, I still love them, they're great friends & people, and I'd love it if the 3 of us could all go hang out at the movies like old times, but I also know that it probably won't happen.

Some people may find it weird that all but 1 of my close friends live so far away.
Other then Haida, Melissa's the closest and she lives about 6 hours away! (I think.)
But, yet, I don't find it weird at all.
Sure, I'd love it if we all lived on the same block, in the same city, but we don't.
It just makes it all the more special when we do get to hang out!
And I love the fact that most of my friends are American.
I've learned so much about the US, and I've learned to respect their country more.
Well, I still make fun of them a bit, I mean, it's my right as a Canadian! haha.
But, it's all in fun!

Okay, well, I should probably wrap this up...I've been rambling on long enough and now I'm hungry.
But at least this is a pretty good blog! hee hee.


Haida said...

great blog

SuperFan said...

It felt great to actually have something to blog about! haha.

FansonJoviette said...

Love it!!
And I probably live about 8 hours away... I live 4 hours from Vancouver and you said it takes 4 hours to get to Vancouver from your place lol!
