Saturday, March 20, 2010

Just Out Of The Hospital Fears

so, I just got out of the hospital.

I was supposed to have my gall bladder removed, but due to infection it's still in there for another month and I have a bag hanging at my side with a tube that's stuck in my gallbladder to drain the bile...for 2 weeks.

It hurts to laugh, yawn, breath deeply, and cough. Every time I roll over in bed or get up from sitting or laying down I am afraid the tubing will come out. Even though it won't.

I wasn't afraid of this in the hospital, but it's the hospital...if something did happen they could fix it.

Now that I'm at home it's not that simple.

A nurse is coming by tomorrow to change the dressing so she'll be able to resolve my fears.

Until then I'm kind of thinking it will be an all nighter for me.

I am more comfortable sitting in a chair then laying down. lol.

I'm also oddly not tired despit the fact I had 2 Tylenol T3s a couple hours ago, when I was tired. lol.

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