Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 days Of Hanson - Day One

Day 01: Your favourite brother

The one, the only......ZAC HANSON!!!!!!
I was gonna use his full name, but felt that was a little creepy. No idea why, though. haha.
I have had a crush on this man since I was 11 years old and probably love him more now then back then.
It's never been a creepy, stalkerish kind of crush, though.
I don't even recall ever wanting or thinking I'd marry him one day. haha.
At 11, I just wanted him to be my best friend, nothing more. I mean, I was 11...what else would I want? lol.
At 14, I did kind of dream of having him be my boyfriend, but only sometimes.
Then I found out he was going out with Kate, and then married her, and I was super happy for him.
I still crush on him, drool over pictures of him, and get butterflies in my stomach when I meet him (met him all 5 times I've been to a Hanson show), but I respect him, and his family.
And I HATE it when fans bash his wife & son and make inappropriate passes and gestures at him.
I mean, come on...he's married...he's not going to just drop his family and run off with you!

This post turned into a longer blog then I had intended. haha.

To sum up why he's my favourite:
He's hilariously insane, has a gift for being able to create amazingly awesome songs at the top of his head, has the ability to rock out on the drums while simultanously singing lead, and has a voice that just makes me melt into a puddle of goo.
And he's incredibly sweet. Even when I'm a complete dork. haha.

I took this picture in Spokane, WA. :D

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