Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome, 2009!!!!

First blog entry of the new year.

Last song I listened to of 2008: "Time of My Life" by David Cook. Totally random. Itunes was on shuffle. It just popped up, but was so perfect. It so describes the amazing year I had.

I'm ready for 2009.

It's gonna be hard to top 2008, so I'm not even gonna try.

I'm just gonna have a good time, travel, experience new things, grow, mature, and live my life to the fullest!!!!

Oh God.
I turn 23 this year.
I don't know why that surprises me, but it does.
Granted, so did 20, 21, and 22. Then I get used to it! HaHa!

And if all goes well, I hope to celebrate my b-day in Florida! :D


I'm gonna go pull an all nighter and get this place clean.

Parents coming back for the day tomorrow.
Have to have the traditional New Year's Day BBQ.

I had the best time tonight!
I just LOVE all my friends!
They are so craaaaaazy!
Not unlike myself!

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