Sunday, January 25, 2009

Been a brief moment.....

Okay, so this is now my permanent blog.
Myspace is okay, but I'm kind of over it....again. lol.

Alright, so updates, updates, updates.....
  • purchased Myrtle Beach tickets, just need to let the 'rents know
  • saw my best friend, Mark, again on Tuesday. 1st time in 3 and a half years! Boston Pizza and "Benjamin Button". A great night catching up!!!
  • I'm going to Tulsa, Oklahoma in May. I'm not sure on the dates, but it will be sometime around May 6th.......Hanson fan club concert. Eeeeee! Soooooooooooo very excited!
  • My passport came in the mail....I can leave Canada!!! Eeeee!
  • My co-workers are now calling me Tulsa because of a)my upcoming Tulsa trip and b)the other Alyssa that just got hired.
Well, that's pretty sad.
That's pretty much my life right there.
Oh well.

Oh, yes, 47 days 'till I leave for Myrtle Beach.
Though, I may actually be more excited for Tulsa.
But, I mean, it's TULSA!!!!!!

Well, anywho, I'll leave you with a picture of me and Mark:

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