Sunday, December 28, 2008

VOGA night

So, VOGA is quite possibly the best wine EVER.
And I usually dislike wine.
But this stuff is goooooood.

But I must confess something.

About a month or so ago, I drank way to much and got really sick.
Now I can't drink a full bottle like I used to.
And it's hard to even down a sip, let alone I've managed to.

I hate it!
I like an alcohol.
Drink too much one night.
And they get sick just thinking about it.
I've only drunk half a bottle of Voga, but I feel nauseous.
Yes, I feel buzzed.
But I want more!!!
I'm off tomorrow.
I can get drunk and be fine the next day.

Guess, I just have to ease back into voga.

Stupid me.


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