Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye, 2008! Oh, How I'll Miss You!!!

It's the last day of 2008.
I can't believe it.
This year has been the best year of my entire 22 years on this planet!

Here are my 2008 highlights in the order they occurred:

1. I heard and fell in love with George's music.
Sure, I had heard Faith, I Want Your Sex, and Freedom '90 before, and snippets of Outside (didn't know what it was called though), but I actually heard more and loved what I heard!
It took a while to admit to myself that I actually loved the music, but I do! :d

2. I joined George Michael's fan club place and met some of the greatest people ever!
Do you know how I found the website? I was searching for an e-mail address where I could send a joking letter to George telling him off at writing such catchy songs that lodged themselves into my brain! :lol: And I joined because I wanted to learn more about him. I joined for free at first, but you can't even SEE the forums when you have a free account. :roll:

3. George in concert!!!
Did I ever, in my wildest dreams, imagine that I'd ever see "the Faith guy" in concert? No...can't say I ever did. BUT...I am so glad that I went. Made me love him even more!
AND THEN getting 4 concert calls from Johnny was incredible. 3 of which were left on my voice mail so I got to experience them I was even listening to walking home from work at night. Smiling like a fool! :lol: :lol: :lol:

4. HANSON!!!!!
When I found out they were coming to Vancouver, I knew I couldn't miss them. I missed them 8 years ago, and I had no idea when they'd be back here. So, I booked my tickets the first day of presale. Not like I needed to, it was General admission, but it was my first time being able I took advantage of it. :lol:
When I got the e-mail saying I had won a meet and greet, I was overjoyed. Words cannot explain what I felt. Being able to meet the band that has meant so much to me for half my life was such a rewarding experience. Taylor once said "The first music you fall in love with is more then just music". And it's so true.
Seeing pics of Taylor wearing the shirt I gave Isaac, 2 days later, was also incredible. I dressed a Hanson!!! :lol: Zac and the Yoda toy...priceless. Zac remembering my George Michael being in Heaven! Wonder what his fave song off those CDs is? :roll:
Having front row was amazing! I know that Taylor stared right at me a few times...I KNOW it! :lol:
Calling Cali & Johnny from the show, so they could experience the awesomeness that is Hanson live, too, was pretty much amazing!
Giving Taylor Girl Guide cookies after the show, and having him actually listen to what I was telling him about why I was giving him the cookies was such a great feeling.
I am in love with one of the greatest bands out there!
Oh...and coming on to the forums the next day to find them chomping at the bit to know how the concert was, was quite funny! Bet they NEVER, EVER thought they'd be excited to hear about the 3 brothers who penned the song that tortures Jen? :roll: :lol: :lol:

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