Wednesday, August 24, 2011

From "Will & Grace" Viewer To Gay Rights Advocate

So, I haven't written on this blog in quite some time.
I wasn't actually going to write on here this time, except for the fact that facebook has decided that it hates me tonight, therefore making it impossible to write a note.
So, it was either my blog or tumblr.
I chose my blog.
So, dear readers, all 2 or 3 of you, I have decided to illustrate my journey from being a person who had no real knowledge of gay people to being a passionate gay rights advocate and ally to the LGBT community.
I'm kind of on a gay rights kick right now, partly because I just read Judy Shepard's book about her son, "The Meaning Of Matthew". And by "kick", I mean it's strongly on my mind. Gay rights are pretty much always on my mind, but right now, they're currently right at the forefront.
Okay, to begin......

I've never not been for gay rights. The simple fact that gay people are people is why they deserve to be awarded the same rights as straight people.
However, I wasn't always for gay marriage.
I was for them receiving the same rights as marriage, but just not the name marriage.
At 17, I was fully convinced that "civil union" was the same thing.
I mean, I loved the gays then...I just didn't know any. Not really anyway.
I was a huge fan of "Will & Grace" and desperately wanted a "Will" of my own.
When I say desperate, I mean to the point where I almost didn't want a boyfriend. At at 17, I REALLY wanted a boyfriend.
But, I lived in Parksville. Because of this fact, I never thought I would ever get a "Will".
However, as you will read, I did find my "Will". And my "Will" is MUCH better!
That's getting ahead, though.
Getting back on track...
In 2006, A&E aired a TV comedy movie called "Wedding Wars", starring John Stamos as the gay brother to Eric Dane. Stamos goes on strike to protest Dane's father-in-law's stance against gay marriage.
I watched this movie and was quite intrigued.
Afterwards, I no longer was of the mindset that civil unions were equal to gay marriage, but was still on the fence about the issue.
I spent the next few nights on the A&E forums for the movie, talking and learning.
In the end, I was 100% for gay marriage.
So, now I was completely for gay marriage, but I still didn't have a "Will", and was not as passionate about gay rights as I am now.
How did I manage to meet my "Will", you ask?
Well, that takes us to 2008 when I became a George Michael fan, of which I'll spare you the details, mainly because I'm too lazy to type them out.
In short, I joined the fan club.
I met a few people, but Johnny was one of the first, if not THE first, people to talk to me on the forums and make me feel welcome.
I talked to him on the forums, myspace, and eventually facebook, exchanged George Michael and Hanson concert calls, and got to know each other.
I didn't meet him until June 2009, but I already felt like he was a brother figure in my life.
Since I met him in June 2009, we've gotten much closer with each visit, through texts and e-mails.
He is my big brother and I love him greatly.
I definitely found my "Will", except, unlike Will & Grace, we have never fought and he's so much cooler then Will.
Through Johnny, I have met and become friends with a few more gay guys, and seen the struggles that gay couples & families have to deal with.
Struggles that straight couples never even have to think about.
It's because of Johnny that I started really thinking and becoming passionate about gay rights.
The LGBT community in Canada already has full and equal rights, but that is not the case in the US.
This is why I want to become a paralegal, move to the US, and fight my heart out.
I am also passionate about erasing hatred towards gays and lesbians and creating more tolerance in schools, workplaces, and the world.
Okay, well, that's my story.
I probably could continue on, but I'm starting to get lazy and just want this darn thing to be finished and posted to the world wide web.
I hope someone finds this interesting.
And if any of you want something to read, pick up a copy of "The Meaning Of Matthew". You'll be glad you did.

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