Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maybe There Was A Greater Purpose To Watching "Eli Stone"

I say this because, in essence, if I had never watched episode one of that magnificent (and yet failed) show, I definitely would not be staring down the road of Law today.
Yes, the immediate affect of the show had me converted into a George Michael fan, but it was because of this that I met people that have definitely changed my life.
And by changing my life, they also changed the direction my life is headed.

Prior to the show, I was going to be a teacher.
One way or another, I was going to teach 2nd to 4th grade.
I had it all planned out.
Well, actually, even after I stopped watching the show that was still my plan.

Then, this past December friends of mine, I met because of George Michael and his fan club, had issues with their daughter's mother and the law in the state of Florida.
Everything about this situation pissed me off to no end.
I wanted to help in any way I could, but living in Canada, there wasn't much I could do.
It all worked out in their favour and I was incredibly happy for them.
But I still wanted to do something.
Not just for them, but for others as well.

What's kind of pushed me over the edge in my decision is the latest out of California and Prop 8 being called "unconstitutional" and thrown out.
Hearing all the negativity and hatred people hold towards gay people really gets my blood boiling.
The arguments people have against gay marriage tend to make absolutely no sense whatsoever and yet they end up being the words the United States of America listens to.

I want to make the world a better, more equal place.
I want to help people.
I can work with children through Girl Guides, but I think I want to go into law.
I realize that it's a darn sight more expensive then Education, and I already have a $16,000 student loan payment, but I want to do it.
No...that's not right.
I feel I need to do it.

I've been looking at some law schools online, both here in BC and in the US.
I'm still not sure if I want to spend 3 to 4 years in school to become a full blown lawyer, graduating at either 28 or 29, or if I want to go to school for about 2 years and become a legal secretary.
I may apply to schools in both areas and see what happens.

All I know for certain is that I think God had a greater reason for me to watch "Eli Stone".
He was a lawyer that, through his visions, helped people and tried to improve society.
And now, here I am, ready to do just that, minus the visions, of course.

1 comment:

Haida said...

having the visions would be pritty bad ass you could talk to GM when ever you wanted
