Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No FAU For Me!

That is're eyes are not playing tricks on you...
I will NOT be attending Florida Atlantic University next year.
Well, seeing as my Florida family is planning a move to the Virginia area, it wouldn't make much sense for me to move to Boca Raton, now would it?
Oh well...the international forms and inability to get in touch with a certain international adviser was getting highly frustrating.
Plus, it's a heck of a lot cheaper to stay in BC for school.
The only thing is...I'm not 100% sure I actually want to be a teacher.
I mean, I still do, still want to work with kids, but I'm just not sure I want to be a teacher.
Like, I'm only 75% sure.
I'd like to find some career in music that I could do.
And I still have that nagging feeling of becoming a human rights lawyer, or at least a paralegal in a human rights law office.
Ever since December, with all the drama that surrounded my Florida family, I just wanted to do something to help. I wanted to fight for them, for their rights as people.
Naturally, if I choose this route I'd get my education here and then apply for a visa and job to work in the US.
But, I'm still not sure.
I mean, to become a full fledged lawyer...that's least 4 more years of school, right?
Not sure if I could handle that. A lawyer? There's, like, public speaking involved! :S
But a paralegal...shorter program and I could still feel like I'd be helping fight the good fight.
I guess I still have a few months to make a decision.
I think I may talk to Johnny about my thoughts. I really value and trust his opinions and advice.

Oh, yeah...I guess I'll no longer be able to call them my Florida Family anymore. haha.
And since "Virginia Family" just doesn't have the same ring to it, I think they'll now become my "American Family". :)

1 comment:

Haida said...

i think thata perfect name
