Monday, July 5, 2010

Certain events of the day inspired this poem

Letter To A Fair-Weather Friend

One point we were close
Best friends you may say
We’d hang out all the time at school
Until we went our separate ways.

You stopped returning my phone calls
Then again, you never really did
No more weekend hang outs
And just being crazy kids.

I’d go months without any word
Met amazing new friends
Until you needed something from me
Suddenly the distance had an end.

You’d show up at my door
In tears about what he said
Asking for some comfort
And a place to rest your head.

I’d always smile and let you in
That’s what good friends do
But you never did the same for me
When the foot was in the other shoe.

Don’t worry, I don’t hate you,
It’s not that I don’t care
It’s just that as friends
We are supposed to share.

I don’t mind being the one you turn to
I’ll put a smile on your face
But where did you go
When I needed a laugh and an embrace?

It makes me feel as if
Our friendship was nothing but a joke
Like you used me for my good nature
And your smile was a hoax.

So excuse me if I’m not a comfort
For your new little issue
It’s hard to be sympathetic
When you feel like an old, used tissue.

I’ll support you in almost anything
That you may choose to do
But as for this one-sided friendship
Well, it’s time that it’s through.

I can’t be there
Every time you feel beat down
Not when you can’t help me
Make a smile out of my frown.

I’ll cherish the memories
And the good times we had
But now I have great friends
We pick each other up when we’re sad.

We share and laugh
And hug through any pain.
Remember, I’ll still be there for you
Just wish you’d do the same.

1 comment:

FansonJoviette said...

loved it! Shows how I used to feel too! <3
