Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No joke...I Really Can Feel It!

So, I've been in this major Michael Jackson mood for almost a full week now.
Prior to this past week, my Michael Jackson music exposure had really only consisted of a song or two and snippets of others.
Heck, prior to June 25th, I honestly didn't really care about the guy.
I mean, I would never deny that he was great in the '80s, I'm not an idiot, but his recent tabloid appearances was pretty much all I knew about him.
And to be honest, I probably still wouldn't care about him if I had been at home, in crappy Parksville, when he died.
But I wasn't at home.
I was in Florida with 3 other music fans.
It really touched me when i saw Johnny's reaction.
I had never really known anyone that had shed a tear over a celebrity before.
Being around a Michael Jackson fan, while processing the fact that a huge star had just passed away, kind of put the whole thing into perspective.
So, on the last night I was in Florida, while we were all trading music, when Johnny asked me if I wanted "History" loaded onto my flash drive, I of course said yes.
Why wouldn't I?
I'm open to all sorts of music, and I was curious about the music of an artist I barely knew.
Except for a couple Jackson 5 songs I had, and "Will You Be There" (Thank you, "Free Willy".)
But I didn't listen to the songs until a week or so ago. I mean, not really.

When Johnny started talking about his tribute, when it was in the beginning stages, I was really interested. I knew it would be awesome, because everything Johnny does is off the hook! :D
And when he created the event, which would turn this small tribute into a huge project, of course I joined, sent in a picture, and spread the word.
I still didn't really consider myself an MJ fan, just a music fan who respected Michael Jackson and what he did for music and pop culture.
But then I decided to listen to "History".

Immediately, I fell in love with the music!!!!
His songs are so heartfelt and honest.
If you don't feel moved after listening to "Heal The World" or "Man In The Mirror", you're dead inside.
And then Melissa, my Hanson fan friend/Tulsa buddy, e-mailed me "Will You Be There".
I was hooked on MJ.

Just the other day I went to add the only 2 Jackson 5 songs I thought I had to my MJ playlist on itunes: "I Want You Back" and "I'll Be There"....both from my "Now & Then" soundtrack.
I had just typed "Jackson" into the search bar and "Can You feel It" came up.
Johnny had loaded that song onto my flash drive, too!
I was ecstatic!!!!
I no longer had to watch the youtube video to listen to the song!!!!

I haven't been on a non-Hanson music phase since Bon Jovi in the spring, and George Michael last summer.
But I'm now in a complete Michael Jackson phase.
I'm even finding myself defending him!
I'm trying to tell people to think of him for the music he made, not the personal live that was splashed across greasy tabloids.

And just today, I really noticed that his music has inspired me to become a better human being.
I mean, I don't even want to hate my boss any longer. O.O
Now that's big!
Sure, she'll still frustrate me and piss me off, but why hate her?
What good is that gonna do me?
Why should I dislike anyone?

I don't know what type of magic Michael Jackson wove into his lyrics, but it's really powerful stuff if you can leave yourself open to hearing it.

I do want to make the world a better place.
Between Hanson's campaign and Michael Jackson's words, I truly do feel changed.
And oddly, more so now.
Like, inwardly.
I feel different.

Again...what is this powerful magic that Michael Jackson wove into his lyrics?
And how can we get the rest of the world to hear and feel it?

1 comment:

Haida said...

dude you should keep up da bloggin your good at it
