Sunday, January 25, 2009

Been a brief moment.....

Okay, so this is now my permanent blog.
Myspace is okay, but I'm kind of over it....again. lol.

Alright, so updates, updates, updates.....
  • purchased Myrtle Beach tickets, just need to let the 'rents know
  • saw my best friend, Mark, again on Tuesday. 1st time in 3 and a half years! Boston Pizza and "Benjamin Button". A great night catching up!!!
  • I'm going to Tulsa, Oklahoma in May. I'm not sure on the dates, but it will be sometime around May 6th.......Hanson fan club concert. Eeeeee! Soooooooooooo very excited!
  • My passport came in the mail....I can leave Canada!!! Eeeee!
  • My co-workers are now calling me Tulsa because of a)my upcoming Tulsa trip and b)the other Alyssa that just got hired.
Well, that's pretty sad.
That's pretty much my life right there.
Oh well.

Oh, yes, 47 days 'till I leave for Myrtle Beach.
Though, I may actually be more excited for Tulsa.
But, I mean, it's TULSA!!!!!!

Well, anywho, I'll leave you with a picture of me and Mark:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rockin' Off The Pounds

I need to lose weight.

Yes, I say it every year about this time. But, that's because every year I need to lose weight.
But every year I fail miserably.

But, not this year.
I'm gonna do it!
My goal is to be 130lbs by my 23rd birthday.
So, just over 5 months.
I can do it.

Just weighed myself.
I weigh 175lbs.
I thought I was still below 170!
Ewwww! I'm motivated.
So...I want to be 145 - 150 by the end of March.

I'm starting by cutting out pop.
I also need to start exercising.
More then just walking, too.

I feel icky!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New year...I've reflected, now, my thoughts....

Okay, so I've done, like, 2 blogs already, but I still have more to say, now that the first day of 2009 is pretty much over.

I printed off every single one of my 2008 entries and but them all together into one book. There are so many of them! I wrote a shit load in 2008! HaHa! About half the notebook is filled up. By the end of 2009, I'm going to have 2 full notebooks! LOL!

Anywho, I've been reading through them. I've grown so much this year, but one thing stands out the most, besides thanking all my new friends like 15 billion times! I complained a lot about my situation. I mean, work is one thing. It's work, and I hate my job. (20 hours next week. Yeah.) But my parents. I sound like a 16 year old complaining. Well, with more bills and stuff to worry about.

I'm going to try and complain less this year.
Try to change my situation.
If I don't move out, then will be peaceful here. Well, to a point anyway.

I hate fighting
I do, really.
But when I think one thing, and they think another, we get into arguements.
Perhaps I just need to swallow my pride and shut the fuck up.

Oh yes, and stop being so damn lazy.
If my mom asks me to take out strawberries (or some other fruit) to thaw, I'll just go do it right away.

I really am lazy.
I need to would on getting a get up and go.

And if the computer usage is a source of arguements, I'll just cut down.
Not a whole bunch, but cut it down.
I'll get back to walking in the evenings, reading, exercising, watching movies, etc.

I started changing and growing in 2008, and I am a completely different person now, then the person I was on January 1st, 2008. I'm going to continue growing and changing, and figuring out who I really am and where I really want to go in life.

2009 is going to be a great year.
I'm going to make sure of that.

I'm also going to start posting an album of the day (my mp3 player does that!!!), and I will comment on how that album, or songs on it do or do not relate to how my day went.

Album of the day: Take The Walk EP
Well, I suppose in a way this is a good album for January 1st. More so "Hope It Comes Soon" and "Change In My Life", though.

Welcome, 2009!!!!

First blog entry of the new year.

Last song I listened to of 2008: "Time of My Life" by David Cook. Totally random. Itunes was on shuffle. It just popped up, but was so perfect. It so describes the amazing year I had.

I'm ready for 2009.

It's gonna be hard to top 2008, so I'm not even gonna try.

I'm just gonna have a good time, travel, experience new things, grow, mature, and live my life to the fullest!!!!

Oh God.
I turn 23 this year.
I don't know why that surprises me, but it does.
Granted, so did 20, 21, and 22. Then I get used to it! HaHa!

And if all goes well, I hope to celebrate my b-day in Florida! :D


I'm gonna go pull an all nighter and get this place clean.

Parents coming back for the day tomorrow.
Have to have the traditional New Year's Day BBQ.

I had the best time tonight!
I just LOVE all my friends!
They are so craaaaaazy!
Not unlike myself!
