Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tinted Windows

Have you heard the news?
You haven't?
Okay, I'll tell you.
You may want to sit down for this one.
Brace yourself.
Deep breaths.
Are you ready for it?
Here it comes.......


Okay, I will wait while you recover from that shocking blow.

Have you picked yourself off the floor yet?


Okay, I'll wait.'re good now?
Want some more info?

Okay, well, I could explain this new development myself, but I think it would be better if I let Taylor tell you himself.
So, here is what he wrote on, after word had broke and half the fan base was literally freaking out.

Hey to all out there! A lot of you guys have prolly heard murmurs-and as of tonight a bit more than that- about a side project I have been working on called Tinted Windows.let us give you the basic low down.

First off, we hoped to be the first to officially tell you guys about it on hnet, but there was a mixup...anyways. Over the last couple years, Adam Schlesinger from fountains of Wayne and James Iha have been working on this project – We first met Adam years ago when we were making Middle Of Nowhere. So the deal is a band that I am mostly taking the vocals on, with James and Adam on bass and guitar, as well as the legendary drummer Bun E Carlos of cheap trick. All of us have just sort of made time for the creation of the album when we could over the last couple years, and now it is going to be coming out, with all the trimmings.

It is a fun thing that is musically different but i think (hope) you will dig. We will premier it at sxsw this year, and we will be telling you guys more about what will be happening with it as it rolls out.

For me and the other guys in the group this is a great project that is an addition to who we are in our core bands.

For instance, as we have said we are working on tunes for the new record ---Hanson I mean, not to be confusing --- and that is going great... Over the next couple months the roll out for Tinted Windows project will happen in between the writing and recording sessions we have planned for the new H record. lot's going on in our world, but as much as we could we wanted you to be among the first to get the real word on this.

We look forward to telling you more about TW and keeping you posted on all things Hanson and, OOOh All This Love Crap too.

Thanks. rocknrooool - TAYLOR

Well, there you have it.
Hanson HAS not broken up.
Taylor is just doing an awesome side project!
I so can't wait to hear what Tinted Windows has to offer!

Monday, February 9, 2009


So, I'm not doing so well with the updates lately.
Just haven't been in a writing mood.
Heck, I wasn't even gonna do a blog now, but I accidentally clicked on google. lol.

I now know the date of the hanson fan club concert in Tulsa.....May 16th. 1 month before my birthday.
Eeeeeeeep!!!!! I am soooo excited!
95 days!
Or 94 since today is pretty much over.

And 32 (or 31) days 'till I leave for Myrtle Beach!

I am loving my life right now!

Anywho, that's pretty much all I want to say.
